Sunday, September 5, 2010

Aural displeasure

I have to admit, against my beliefs about human nature, that most of the clients I deal with at work are quite well-adjusted, generally nice people. My day job being in retail, this is not something that one would expect. So, I am often pleasantly surprised by how friendly, understanding and accommodating some people can be. But then you get the ones like I had recently. Two in one day, in fact.

Now, I am a patient guy. I can take a lot of crap from somebody, without having to apply some blunt force trauma to said person's head. But these two really tested my limits. I think the reason why they were so trying was that they just don't listen. The one would ask a question and be so wrapped up in her self-absorbed arrogance that she wouldn't give me a chance to answer. About three words into my reply, she would just start talking again. I was aghast. At one time, I had to start the same sentence seven times before she gave me a chance to finish it.Totally aghast.

The other one is a severely obese diabetic. I get it. You can't help the way you look because of a genetic dysfunction. Life is hard. You can't go anywhere, because it's difficult to move something the size of a house to the toilet, let alone to the shops. Your son died of a terrible disease. You have endless legal battles with the whole world. I really do get it. You do not have to tell me all of your terrible life story all of the time. My question, madam, is: Do you want to buy it or not? I don't particularly care that the one you had your heart set on is out of your budget and therefor you have to go for the one that you didn't like that much, but you really liked the other one and you so wanted to get that rather, but oh, it is just too expensive, so you will have to go for the one you didn't want to get, but that is all you can afford because the one you really wanted is just so expensive, so now you are forced to go for the crappy one that you didn't want, but you really want the other one, but it is just too much...   AAAARGGGHHH!!

Sometimes it is a really good thing that a 2 x 4 doesn't fit through a telephone line.

There was more, but I shall refrain from typing it here. I am afraid that you might start banging your head against the desk, like I eventually did.  I did, for a while there, think that she was never going to stop. I had visions of my cold dead hand gripping the receiver for the rest of eternity as my decaying body wastes away, with her voice endlessly pouring through the phone line into my skull. Thankfully, finally, the call did end.

Is there a point to this long tirade? Just this: When the other person speaks, it is not just a time for you to think up what you will be saying next. Take a breath. Listen. They might have something of import to impart on you.  Then again, maybe not. Maybe I'm just full of it.



Yeah apparently i got lonely because everyone was hooking up so i took matters into my own hands. I woke up on the floor spooning a vaccuum cleaner, a mop, 40 paper cups, and industrial grade detergent.

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