Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Moving Blues

It's Sunday, so it's time for my weekly update. Honestly, I don't know where people get the time to do this every day.So far it has been an awesome weekend. I hung out with various friends, made some new ones, maybe had a little too much to drink, got presents, saw a totally awesome movie (Ninja Assassin - If you can stomach blood and gore I repeat, totally awesome, watch it), ate like a king/pig (take your pick), danced, laughed at some weird dude's dancing and looked at possible places to stay.

Yup it is time to move, yet again. I don't know how many times I have moved since I got to Cape Town, oh, 16 years ago. It seems that landlords have this strange vendetta against me. Almost every flat I move to is sold at some point and I'm told to bugger off. At one stage I moved once a year. This time I had a year and a half. I need to be out of my place, at the latest, by the end of November. Right, fine. Only, my work is opening a new shop in Pretoria East in October and I need to be there for two months, to help get the place up and running, from the start of November. Do you spot the problem? I can't very well move when I am in Blue Bull land. So, to make things easiest on me, I would like to move before I go away. Therefor, I need to give notice from my current flat a little earlier as well. I did this. I explained that I will vacate the premises on 2 October. A Saturday.This has to be approved for some or other reason. I sent my notice in August. I am still awaiting this approval. But now I could start looking for a new place.

Excitedly, I plunged head first into gumtree and clicked my way to the flats for rent in my price bracket. Which turned out to be a little bit smaller of a selection than I had hoped for and every single one is available from 1 September. That doesn't help me much, now does it? I spent the next few days trawling through all the possibles, seeing what is out there and when September hit, I started making viewing appointments. Pickings are a wee bit slim. To date, I haven't found a place that I really like. If they finally approve my notice, I kinda need somewhere to move to. Time is running out.

So, I am sending out an APB to all in the blogverse: If you know of somewhere in Cape Town that I can stay let me know asap. I would not like to be homeless soon. If you, or somebody you know,  would like to share a place, please be aware of the following. I'm a bit of a filthy slob, I make quite a lot of noise, I have strange people over at odd hours that sometimes look as if they will never leave (usually lots of beer involved as well) and I have a few annoying habits. If you are comfortable with all of that then gimme a call roomy!

TFLNOTD: (I'm going to leave the links in from now on , so that you can check out the site yourself)


when are you leaving homes?

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