Sunday, October 31, 2010

Time to kill

Again, I draw my inspiration for this here thing from my place or work. Sorry about this folks, but if I'm here until 10:30 at night sometimes, it means that I spend a vast amount of time at work (as I am while writing this post). Seeing as I do not have much of a life these days, almost anything vaguely interesting in my life tends to happen at work. Like Friday.

Friday was actually my day off. We work strange days. But, bright spark that I am, I left my phone somewhere on Thursday and had to go to the office on aforementioned off day to retrace my steps through various appointments of the day before, phone anybody I might have seen and try to get the missing phone back. Luckily, I do have amazing clients and my phone was returned early in the morning (before I even got there) by a person at whose house I had left it. Apparently, the strange noise (my phone ringing from people trying to find out if I'm still alive) confused the crap out of the household, until they finally found the phone UNDER a bed somewhere. No, I did not kap 'n quick snooz. I was on the job, working hard. Really. No, really.

While at the office, getting my phone back, one of my fitters comes around to fetch a carpet that he had to fit for us that day. I bent over backwards for this client. Did everything at very short notice. Got the carpet in, sorted out the fitter, everything ready in less than two days. Normally, it takes around four days. Anyway, we couldn't release the carpet, because we had not received proof of payment. So I set my colleague on the blower to try and find the client and make him pay us, so that the fitters can get to laying the carpet. No answer. Voicemail. We phone, literally (and I mean literally, not like Americans use literally, proper literally, the opposite of figuratively), every five minutes to track this guy down. No luck. The fitters eventually get opstropelis and decide they would rather leave. "Let him phone us and we'll see when we can fit him in next week", they tell me. I decide that it's time for me to go and enjoy my day off, away from work, but I would swing by the client's house to let them know that we're still waiting for that payment. Fitters, hang on.

And? You guessed it. Nobody's there! Well besides the painter and some builders and garden people, but the owners aren't there. According to the painter, they just slipped out for a while, they would be back soon. So I tell the painter, "dude, tell this guy that he needs to pay us, my fitters are getting difficult and we want to get this job done. He must just let us know that the payment has been made and all willl be fine." The fitter says he'll tell him. I leave. A few hours later, my colleague phones me about something else and mentions, "oh yes, that guy with the carpet says we can leave it, he doesn't want us to fit anymore, we're wasting his time."

... We....are wasting....HIS....time???


WTF have I been doing (on my off day you b*stard)? I have done everything in my power to make this go smoothly and you tell me I am wasting your time?

You know, sometimes I get really angry. Thank goodness I was speaking to my very sweet and innocent, relatively new, colleague. I did not end up killing anybody. But I tell you, it was close. People can be so bloody thick sometimes, you just want to grab them by the throat and shake some sense into them. Aaarghh!!
They don't seem to realise that the world does not always revolve around them every second of every day. They don't think. They don't bloody listen. People really need to get over themselves and listen. At least sometimes.

Luckily my colleague, bless his heart, managed to convince client and fitter that Monday would be a good day to do the fitting. We have received the payment and all is well.



Come find me please? Im in a ditch.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Licence to ill

I hope I don't get sued for that. Boys, just think of it as free advertising.

Sometime during last week I thought "hey, the year is almost over and I haven't been sick at all". You see what I did wrong there? I went and notified the bloody universe of an otherwise unimportant and unnoticed oversight. It rectified this. Speedily. Monday I was fine. Tuesday I was buggered. Damn flu. So after working a day while sick and then spending 2 days either in bed or en route to or from the loo, I am now back at work, snotty and just plain blegh. I hate being sick. I have too much to do, there is no time for illness. Not that anybody ever really does have time for it, I guess, and I know I share the same lot as many over this period. But what happens to other people is nowhere near as important to me as what happens to me. And besides, being in the fast lane of single life, one can't afford to walk around with fluids running from every possible orifice on one's face. Even though all orifices from the waist down seem to be in good working order, it doesn't matter, because nobody wants to come within arm's reach of the afflicted. People part like the red sea to let a sick person pass. "Hell no, you stay away from me, " "put that tongue back where it came from" and "you ain't givin' me your lurgies" are just some of the remarks directed, from a distance, at the poor unfortunate sod, sniffing and coughing away.

There's no real point to this litany. I'm just misereable because I'm sick. But I have my pills, my throat lozenges and my immune boosters. Bugger, I forgot to take one of those this morning. Anyway, I have all my weapons against the disease. My cause is just. I must prevail.



So....maintenance found the bullethole.....

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I got so wrapped up in moving that I completely forgot that I had a birthday recently. I mentioned to somebody that it rocked, well, swayed gently from side to side is more accurate. Went away to a farm between Montagu and Barrydale with wonderful friends (their birthday present to me). Saw my folks, which I don't get to do often enough. Mom cooked up a feast for us. Then went to the B&B farm. Large amounts of wine was tasted, heaps of beer consumed, with a fire almost constantly going. So cool.

We did have strange neighbours though. Nice enough people, we got along well. Spent a lot of time with them outside, by the fire, doing the consuming, but somewhere along the line, the conversation went religious. It always amazes me that people all over just assume that other people believe the same things as they do. Then they are quite shocked when they find out that this is not the case. It seems to be common with white, middle-class, South African Christians. For some reason, they also get very defensive about their beliefs. Let it go people. We are all creations of our chosen deity. We should all have the right to worship or not worship whatever or however we choose or choose to not choose. After all, we expect this right from others. Shouldn't we give it as well?  Do not just about all religious texts preach tolerance? Live and let live.

...gathering thoughts to head in a different direction...

When we came back after this wonderful weekend away, more good friends gave me a vintage classical guitar as a present. I was pretty stunned. Thanks everybody. That just blew me away. And then my ex-girlfriend goes and buys me 2 packs of insanely expensive strings (she did get a bit of a discount though, thank you nice people at the music shop) for my baby, a Yamaha Compass semi-acoustic guitar. Thank you lady. She sounds like the dream she is again. So all-in-all, a rocking birthday haul this year.

And then this weekend happened. The same lovely lady who took me along with her man to the farm had her birthday. Wonderful hosts as these fine people are, they stocked up on refreshments for all their guests at her party. Oh boy, there was just too much. This morning was wayyyy too bright and came a few hours too early. Having to be at work at nine was not as wonderful as it may sound. But I made it through so far, only 3 more hours to go...

...only 3 more hours to go...




Yeah I think we tried to use the shower curtain as a parachute because its tied to my backpack with some string. Dont know if anyone actually attempted it though.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Keep on movin'...

Moving day has come and gone. Which is way it has taken me so long to update the blog. I spent the whole of last weekend packing, wading through, loading and off-loading boxes, appliances and furniture. It really is amazing that one person can accumulate so much crap. This has all been taken to a top secret, high security storage facility. All my stuff, packed off in a big box, not unlike a garage. Although it is on an upper level. So you need a forklift to go quickly fetch something that you forgot to keep out. I am now a squatter, staying in the lounge of a very good friend, who was kind enough to give me a roof over my head (and some space to put even more boxes). This, we made very clear, is just temporary. In a short while I will be heading off to the green pastures of Pretoria for a few months, after which I shall stay in aforementioned lounge again. But then, come hell or high water, I will find my own place. Promise. Soon. I can feel it in my water.

This weekend I went to my cousin's wedding which was great fun and it seems that I have finally, also managed to meet a really nice girl.



I know it sounds like a good idea, but doing Spanish homework at a bar just because the owners are Mexican and they give us margaritas really wasn't the best decision.