Friday, March 18, 2011

The Things We Can't Say On Blogs

I didn't really think this through all that well, did I?

Oh well, as I can't say that which I had wanted to say, I'll say this: I might be off the airwaves for a while but will start blogging as soon as I have the intrenwebs again. Keep the pieces.



One of two things would happen: He'd love it, or you'd get a restraining order.

On the road again...

I just can't wait t'get on the road again...etc. It is almost time. Today was my last working day in the country's capital. Only the weekend left and I shall be doing what the song says. Back home...

Contrary to all my beliefs and prejudices prior to coming to Gauteng (that's fancy for Joburg and Pretoria), I actually had a really good time here. I thought it would be horrible. I don't know the roads, I don't know the places, I don't know the people. I thought they would look at me, immediately see I'm not from here and say: "Shoo, away you infidel dog foreign person. You do not belong here." Well, in Pretoria they would say that in Afrikaans. But lo, they did not. Not even the horn helmet wearing, bakkie with blue balls on the towbar driving, baby blue jerseyed, staunch boere Blue Bulls supporters did that. As a matter of fact, I was surprised at how welcoming the people here were. I had a blast at Ellispark (sorry Coca-Cola Park), watching the Lions vs Bulls game. With aforementioned supporters and their red counterparts going nuts around me. All in a good spirit. Not a single punch was thrown in all that testosterone filled extacy. It was just plain fun. For the most part strangers here are just nicer than in Cape Town. They really make an effort to make a person feel welcome. Without wanting anything in return. I met some really wonderful people during my stay. Thank you all for making this little adventure of mine so enjoyable.

I did in fact also know quite a few people around the area. Some that I hadn't seen in ages and it was so good to hang out with them again. Thank you guys for your hospitality. Some that I didn't even get a chance to see while I was here. Sorry to those, I'll try again the next time I'm here for a visit.

The roads weren't too much of a hassle in the end. Thanks to my wonderfully quirky GPS, an hour to work in the morning and almost an hour back home at night and the city council's delightful ideas concerning roadworks, I learnt my way around reasonably quickly. You get to see a whole lot of real estate when you drive around like I do and sometimes, some landmarks stick in your head.

It is, as I am writing this, at 5pm Friday evening, raining. AGAIN. Damn, it's rained a lot while I've been here. Travelling the 1 hour trek, each way, daily in these downpours has not been fun. At all. This I will not miss. I've had a near death experience or two in the wet, that I would rather forget. Compound these hectic thunderstorms with the ever continuing roadworks and you get a really interesting drive home.I am dreading this for tonight.

I also saw many interesting places. I had loads of fun with mates from here at The Red Room. A club originally owned by Ashton Nyte from The Awakening. For those of an alternative persuasion, I would suggest it. I saw Parys, which is the closest that I've ever been to touring Europe. And probably will be for a while. The massive Hartebeespoort Dam, with all its tourist trappings. Which is kinda weird. Everybody from around here go there to get away for a while. And then they're all there. Hmmm... There were more places, but I'll not bore you with a list of all of them.

The only gripe, serious gripe, that I have with this place, is that it seems the larneys don't want to be bothered by ever ringing cell phones. Now I can sortof understand this. You know, they are important, powerful people and they have better things to do than to constantly be on the phone. So, in their larney neighbourhoods, they conspire to get almost zero cell phone reception. This is great for the movers and shakers, but really sucks for a guy from Cape Town, that misses his mates and just wants to have a chat with one of them. I stayed in a small hole in the wall, under a house in Bryanston. For those of you that don't know Johannesburg, but do know Cape Town, it's kinda like Constantia. Like I said. Larney. For those of you that don't know either. I am sorry, there is no help for you. Now, in my shoebox, I had about 2 square feet of area that actually got a cell signal. If I move my head a few inches, the signal goes and my call is dropped. This is infuriating. Were I to get off the bed, where this area of reception exists, and walk the 3 yards to the loo, it goes completely. There were a few times when I would get back to the bed and get a message to say that I missed a call. Because I was busy with whatever Nature had in store for me. Unacceptable. Completely wrong. I don't necessarily need to speak to somebody while I am relieving myself, but the principle of the thing is what bothers me. Get off your high and mighty bloody horses you larney buggers and get some towers in here! Ah, now that I have that off my chest...

As you may be able to deduce, I have enjoyed my stay in Joburg and Pretoria. Loads. But the time has come to pack the bags and go where I belong. Not that I can't ever see myself belonging here. Just not now. Right now, my life, my heart, is in Cape Town. I will miss my friends here, but I will remember the good times I had fondly, for years to come. Besides, it's their turn to visit me again.

Catch y'all at the foot of the most beautiful the world.



shes 19, drunk and said she has no gag reflex. im trying to decide if i have scruples

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moral Fibre

Apparently fibre is good for you. Keeps you reg'lar. That's if you believe the hot little chick with the seemingly perfect life that got it all in the morning. Advertising would like us to believe that if we take a regular crap, all our problems will disappear and we and our lives will be perfect. They lie. I have proof. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my bowel movements and I am still single, slightly over-weight, greying and not as wealthy as I'd hoped I'd be at my age. But that's not actually what this blog is about. The fibre I would like to talk about is a whole different kettle of monkeys.

Moral fibre won't necessarily keep you going to the loo a lot (although it might), but it does have something to do with who you are, deep inside. I have often thought about morals/morality and was reminded about it by

this is your 3rd pregnancy scare in 2 years, I think its time for you to re-evaluate the whole 'im a lesbian' thing

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nothing But Trouble

You know, Will Smith might have known a thing or two when he was a laaitie. Can't really say the same for his kids. I don't know how those little shoulders can carry such big chips, but that's a different story. When he was still called The Fresh Prince, he had a song that went: "Listen old boy, don't mean to bust your bubble, but girls of the world ain't (insert title here). I really don't get how chicks work. Sometimes I think I do, but then they just come up with something that completely befuddles me again. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this. Why then do we bother with them, you ask? Because we can't help it. They look so pretty and they smell so nice and they make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Drive us up the wall often, but they do light up our lives. Still, I don't understand them. One of the the things that I just don't get would be how their choices in guys work. I have done a bit of research into this and it seems (according to what they say) that they all want a nice, dependable, good oke, that won't screw them around.

This is complete and utter twally. I have seen it happen so many times. Cool, normal chickies, quite smart too, that go for complete and utter b*stards. Then they whine about how these guys mess them around. Eventually, they might break up with aforementioned b*stards. Swear that they will never let a guy treat them like that again and hook up with the next b*stard that walks around the corner. It seems they have this inborn need to want to fix these problem children. Probably something to do with motherly instincts or something, I don't know. *Sigh* This means that, according to what they say, guys like me (the nice dependable type, according to the people that know me, although they only think they do, because in fact I am a right b*stard - shhhhh, it's called advertising, I might get finally get lucky from this ), should be swimmin' in wimmin, while in fact, we sit at home, alone, proverbial finger in our proverbial.......ear.

They also say that they want to be romanced. They want to feel special. So then guys like me (not really, see above for details), attempt this. These attempts to satisfy this need are seen as being "too much" and that they are being "suffocated" by this "relationship". And they run a bloody mile. The best luck I have had with a girl lately, was to completely, flatly ignore her. This just boggles my mind.

I have to admit that I have not lucked out completely throughout the course of my life. For the most part, I have also dated some really hot girls. Most of them were pretty sharp as well. They must've gone through some moment of weakness at the time. Couldn't find a handy b*stard nearby (this is of course not always completely true, just trying to make a point here). Still, there have been some fun and meaningful relationships along the way. But, as I seem to have developed this thinking illness of late, I had a bit of a thought about all this. For the most part (and I'm talking seriously large majority here), girls that I have dated before seem to be much better off now, than they were with me. And I'm not just talking about then and now, but also better off than they would have been, had they stuck with me until now. Logically, I have to therefor conclude that I have had a positive influence on these girls' futures. I did think about this for quite some time and I have come up with a plan that I think will benifit us all.

Ladies, if you feel like you're stuck in a rut, that you are not realising those wonderful ambitions that you have, that your life is not really going anywhere, give me a call. Let's hook up. I'll make you famous.



I need to get my pants from under your porch. People are asking questions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We're sinking, we're sinking!

Yeeeeess..... vell, vhat are you sinking about? Or so the joke goes. I made the mistake of thinking or sinking (you decide which is more apt) recently. It all started with the devil. After a very long time of remaining firm, I have finally given in and succumbed to the evil that is facebook. It's the devil. I am sure of this. Which is why I refused to go on it for so long. But for some reason, everybody on the whole damn planet is on the thing and any photos of any event that people attend, get put up there.

I was at the Rammstein concert in Cape Town. It was the best event that I have ever attended. Completely blew me away. I was in the 3rd row from the barrier in front of the stage, got literally seared by massive flames, and I got to touch the boat! Anyway, as I didn't have a camera there, I was relying on wonderful friends to take pics that I could then get from them later. Their place of choice to stick these? Yup. Bloody facebook. So, the only way for me to get at these wonderful images of flamethrowers in action was on facebook.  I cracked, and walked into the arms of Beelzebub. Which, like I suspected it would, has almost taken over my life. Because it does this. This is how it eats your soul. You very innocently send a "friend request" to one or two people that you know. They "accept" you as their friend and suddenly you see who all their friends are and they let you know what they're doing and you ask some of their friends if they would accept you as well and then, before you know it, you have a whole host of people that you are constantly connected to. You can also "search" facebook for anybody else that you would like to connect with. And they all have "status updates". Which is pretty much just what they're doing or thinking about now or something cool that they saw or heard and people comment on these. And then you think of something witty to say and "post" your "reply" to the comment and you keep checking back to see if anybody appreciated your razor sharp wit. Then somebody else "likes" your reply and another person posts something and you keep coming back to see what's happening now. Then there are the "pokes" which I still don't understand, but I am currently involved in poke wars on two fronts. Also, tags. Which I don't get either, but it involves pictures somehow. I will still get to the bottom of this.

While all this frenetic activity goes on (which eats away all of one's time usually spent writing blogs), you browse through all the friends of friends and see the comments that friends make on their friends' pages and run accross old friends, past lovers and aquaintances. It can be really good to hook up with these people that you might have let disappear from your life over the years. I have spoken to people that I have cared about a lot before, that I somehow lost contact with and it has been very gratifying (it is still the devil though). But, as you go through these people that were a part of your life, you also think back to the times when they were there. What you were doing, how old you were, what your plans for the future were back then. Kinda who you were at the time. This brings me to the title for today (see what I did there?).

So facebook (the devil) made me think about where I am, where I have been and the journey along the way. I have had some fantastic times. Met and spent time with some wonderful people. I have received and given a lot of love. I have had immeasureble support. All of which I am truly, humblingly (that is a word, I have decided) grateful for. I have made some terrible mistakes. Taken some very wrong turns. Hurt and dissapointed many people (very often the same people mentioned before). There are many things that I regtret. Clocks that I wish I could turn back. Words I wish I could swallow to prevent them form causing the damage that they did. Deeds I would walk away from and things not done that I should have rushed to do. I wonder what would have happened, had I chosen this way instead of that. Where would my life have taken me then? Where would I have ended up? Do this for too long and you will go a bit bonkers. Because you can't change the past. You learn from it. You cherish the memories of all the happy times. You appreciate your wordly stuff and the riches you have accumulated in your heart and mind and soul. The impressions made on you by all these people that you once knew and all the choices that you had to make. Because of them, maybe next time your choice will be a bit better.



This is the last weekend of getting drunk and having sex all nite with the plumber. I'm exhausted all weekend and I'm never going to finish the remodel at this rate