Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Moral Fibre

Apparently fibre is good for you. Keeps you reg'lar. That's if you believe the hot little chick with the seemingly perfect life that got it all in the morning. Advertising would like us to believe that if we take a regular crap, all our problems will disappear and we and our lives will be perfect. They lie. I have proof. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my bowel movements and I am still single, slightly over-weight, greying and not as wealthy as I'd hoped I'd be at my age. But that's not actually what this blog is about. The fibre I would like to talk about is a whole different kettle of monkeys.

Moral fibre won't necessarily keep you going to the loo a lot (although it might), but it does have something to do with who you are, deep inside. I have often thought about morals/morality and was reminded about it by

this is your 3rd pregnancy scare in 2 years, I think its time for you to re-evaluate the whole 'im a lesbian' thing


  1. OK ... so which one of you shagged the other one's ex then???

  2. This is a mine field...
    I think as time passes after a break up (regardless of whether or not you still hurt) if my friend wanted to hook up with my ex, two years after the break up, it would probably be alright.
    But always, always weird!
    And if your friend likes someone who is clearly not interested in them in the same way, I reckon you could hold out for about a month before you put your claim out there.
    Hurt ego and all...

  3. What could possibly be weird? But yes, good pounts Rosie

  4. Wtf is a pount? Points Rosie, good POINTS. Today is not a good typing day
