Sunday, October 17, 2010


I got so wrapped up in moving that I completely forgot that I had a birthday recently. I mentioned to somebody that it rocked, well, swayed gently from side to side is more accurate. Went away to a farm between Montagu and Barrydale with wonderful friends (their birthday present to me). Saw my folks, which I don't get to do often enough. Mom cooked up a feast for us. Then went to the B&B farm. Large amounts of wine was tasted, heaps of beer consumed, with a fire almost constantly going. So cool.

We did have strange neighbours though. Nice enough people, we got along well. Spent a lot of time with them outside, by the fire, doing the consuming, but somewhere along the line, the conversation went religious. It always amazes me that people all over just assume that other people believe the same things as they do. Then they are quite shocked when they find out that this is not the case. It seems to be common with white, middle-class, South African Christians. For some reason, they also get very defensive about their beliefs. Let it go people. We are all creations of our chosen deity. We should all have the right to worship or not worship whatever or however we choose or choose to not choose. After all, we expect this right from others. Shouldn't we give it as well?  Do not just about all religious texts preach tolerance? Live and let live.

...gathering thoughts to head in a different direction...

When we came back after this wonderful weekend away, more good friends gave me a vintage classical guitar as a present. I was pretty stunned. Thanks everybody. That just blew me away. And then my ex-girlfriend goes and buys me 2 packs of insanely expensive strings (she did get a bit of a discount though, thank you nice people at the music shop) for my baby, a Yamaha Compass semi-acoustic guitar. Thank you lady. She sounds like the dream she is again. So all-in-all, a rocking birthday haul this year.

And then this weekend happened. The same lovely lady who took me along with her man to the farm had her birthday. Wonderful hosts as these fine people are, they stocked up on refreshments for all their guests at her party. Oh boy, there was just too much. This morning was wayyyy too bright and came a few hours too early. Having to be at work at nine was not as wonderful as it may sound. But I made it through so far, only 3 more hours to go...

...only 3 more hours to go...




Yeah I think we tried to use the shower curtain as a parachute because its tied to my backpack with some string. Dont know if anyone actually attempted it though.

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