Sunday, August 22, 2010

It starts...

Hello World.

Peer pressure has finally rubbed off on me as well. It seems everybody, including everybody who is nobody is blogging these days. I just never saw the point. Until now.

It hit me, as I was loading flooring into a customer's car today, that maybe it could be a good thing. Having somewhere that you can jot down your thoughts, rant and rave a bit, share a few wild ideas and untested axioms. It could be therapeutic. I had to spell check that one. Bit of a big word there. And here in this electronic world, we can blow ourselves up with completely unjustified self-import and pretend that what we think and what we say actually matters. That, as long as we write as though we actually did go through twelve years of school, people will take notice, care about our feelings, our experiences of this world, becauce, let's face it, in the real world, nobody really gives a sh*t.

So there. I've done it. I am now part of the electronic revolution, albeit a few years behind. I don't know how often I will be able to update this thing, but I will try to do it as regularly as possible.

Rants and raves to come soon.

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