Thursday, October 13, 2011

And now for something completely... well... at least, just something

Oh dear. Tarty has posted a blog, so I guess I HAVE to put something down. It's been so long, I had to reread my previous posts to remember what I have already written. I'm not going to apologise for it again. I have in a few posts before. I do actually work for a living, I don't have the interwebs at home, so this gets done on the odd occasion that I have a few spare minutes. Deal with it.

In part, it has been somewhat of a blessing that I haven't had time to blog. I haven't really had much to put to paper, or screen, or whatever. I like a bit of humour in my bloggin' and it is far easier to poke fun at something when times are crappy, than it is when one is happy. Seeing as I seem to have the biggest smile on my dial this side of Cheshire these days, my pool of material has dramatically diminished. Yes, there are the occasional buggers that insist on pissing me off (they do this deliberately, I know), but I forget about them almost instantaneously. So, here is my attempt at inserting a bit of a chuckle into an account of a fairly mundane, yet deliriously happy existence.

I have obtained an X-Box. With 360s. Whatever that means. I have always been a fervent supporter of the PC and dead set against consoles. I have been swayed. 'Twas a mighty blow hat did it in the end, but I have to admit, I am wholly won over. There are still a few games that can (in my humblest opinion) only be played on PC, but the ones that work on the X-Box are so much fun. Not getting much sleep. Also, the girlfriend is extremely tolerant of the time spent gaming. I am a very lucky guy. Sometimes, she even plays with me...

I recently obtained a kick-ass sound card. Those who understand why this is cool, don't need any further explanation.

I have played a gig for the first time in years and didn't completely suck! Was a bit worried there for a while. But it really is like falling off a bicycle. Thanks Axxon. It was balls of fun. Hope we can do it again soon.

I had a birthday and was utterly spoiled by the girlfriend and friends and family. Got loads of cool presents. National Braai Day, on my birthday. Need I say more?

I got to spend a weekend away, surrounded by 20-21 year old girls. Just girls.

I drove through a breathalyser roadblock, got tested and did not get thrown in jail.

There are more, but I can't think of all of them now. But all this good living (have I mentioned the wonderful dinners yet?) has taken its toll. I really am getting quite a bit solid. More easily visible. Plump even. What, with the working a hell of a lot and 'till late hours, I don't get time for football. The only exercise that I am willing to do. Pretty soon I will have to get a keyboard with bigger keys, so that my pudgy fingers can still type and post blogs. I shall have to read Helena Handbasket's blog and get some pointers on getting back to a leaner, lither me.

Yup, it really is easier to poke fun at the ill-fated than to try with the golden-egged.

Maybe next time I can blog about estate agents. They always seem to drive me up walls.



For her birthday she wants to, " try something different with our butts a funnel and a bottle of whiskey"