Saturday, November 20, 2010

Catching up

First off, apologies for being a sleg b*stard and only getting to this now. I have a whole host of excuses that will probably all feature in this here update. Some of them definitely will.

I have been a bit under the health weather of late. For the last bloody month to be exact. Were you to be a slight bit insane, you would scroll down to my post on Sunday, 23 October and see that I mentioned I was ill. Took off work for Wednesday and Thursday. That Wednesday was the 20th. Today is the 20th. A month! A whole bloody month and I'm still not fixed. To add to my germ infested annoyance, my poor housemate was brung low by the flu again as well. He stayed home the whole week. Walked around like a zombie. Apparently he either re-infected himself again or I re-infected him. I am opting for the latter. So, we are just merrily recycling our lurgies between the two of us and could, possibly, remain ill for the rest of our lives by doing this. Or until Armageddon. Whichever comes first. According to the Mayans or who-ever (they didn't have a flag, so they don't really count and people don't need to remember what their nation's name was), the world will end in 2012 sometime. People are also thinking of making a movie about this. It will never fly. Mark my words. Nobody will go and watch stupid cr*p like that. Anyway, I digress, that was excuse number 1. I wasn't feeling too well. This also meant that I wasn't able to play football until this past Thursday. That just sucked.

The first week of November was consumed by work. Went past in a bit of a blur. From what I can remember, I did have my first taste of pub quiz night. That was great fun. It is amazing what weird arbitrary sh*t some people know.

I also helped the housemate out at his benefit gig at Mercury. I sold raffle tickets for a guitar we gave away. It was a great night. The bands Terminatryx, Cold Hand Chemistry and Witness to Wolves all rocked. I was a little disappointed with the turnout. Thought we had more people in this town that cared about puppies and kittens and stuff. But the people that were there had a blast. Because I was also intimately involved with the draw of the guitar raffle, I got to meet the adorably cute lady that won the guitar. She had apparently bought the ticket on behalf of a friend and was quite vexed that she had to give it away again, partly because she wants to learn to play. Yes. Of course I did. Obviously I had to offer my services to a damsel in distress. It's just my honourable nature. Of course I offered to teach her to play. It was the least I could do. So now, yours truly is officially a guitar tutor as well. And I must say, I am quite impressed with my student.

Then there was a birthday of a very dear friend. Happy Birthday!

And then the fellow band member friend and his lovely lady came for a visit. For a week. Oh heavens me. I was at Mitchell's in the Waterfront more times in one week than I've been there for...oh, bugger. I wanted to say a year or at least a few months, but we have been going there a bit regularly the past while. They keep insisting on giving us beer at ridiculously cheap prices. So there might have been a morning or two that I didn't feel as sprightly and sparkly as I normally would. That there is excuse number 2. And it counts for more than one excuse as well. This kind of thing happened frequently, over an extended period of time. I am claiming at least 5 excuses for this.

Then there was the birthday party for a football friend at a place called Bronx Sports Bar. Why they chose the name of one of the most well known hang-outs in Town and how they get away with it, I don't know. 'Cause this ain't Bronx. It is not in Seapoint. It's in Brooklyn. Yup. Whilst it is truly awesome to drink quarts at a very reasonable price in a pub, it is most definitely not classy. Which goes a long way to explain the rest of the place as well. The people frightened me. I was so scared in the loo, I almost didn't need it anymore. Aaaand, they inflicted karaoke on us. I have never understood the fascination with karaoke. You know, for some people the shower should just really be enough. The birthday boy and his friends had a blast and two of them actually did surprisingly well with the singing thing. This ties in with excuse number two.

Another week of work, work, work (this qualifies as excuse number 8 - look carefully, work it out, it's true) and then last night. Saw two bands at Mercury that need a mention.Throatball (it sounds like you think it would, only quite well done) and Juggernaut (whose lead singer looks like you think he would, only hairier). I was pleasantly surprised. If you like it a little heavy with loads of rock and roll, check them out.

Alright, that means I have only 8 excuses for not staying up to date. It's still a lot and I will try to not let things slip again. Keep the pieces.



Please do NOT set off the smoke alarm when I am tied to the bed like this...